
Individual LYDRM and Monthly Budget


Envision your dream life, & then become it.

After you learn the tools we have to offer, you will be able to create anything you want. Live your dream life, don't just daydream about it. 

Is This Your Road Map (Program)?

Root to Crown Chakra

Our approach has Eastern Yogic origins. The 12 sessions are focused root to crown chakra. This is the proper way to cleanse the energetic system. The root chakra is the base or foundation of the energy body. When we focus on cleansing the old limiting patterns and beliefs, we create a strong foundation. The sacral chakra is the vessel, or container. It sits on the root's foundation, and creates a containment vessel for the personal energy of the person. The solar plexus is the energy creation center. The energy created here flows into the sacral and fills it. The heart is the center of the system. It brings together humanity and divinity, and creates a seat for the soul. It is also focuses energy out to the arms for the giving and receiving of energy and manifestation.The throat chakra is the gateway for the inner and out worlds. It helps us to create and manifest things with our energy, through vocalization. The third eye allows us to see and sense the unseen. This alllows us to see through illusion, when we let it.... The crown is our connection to higher conciousness. This is where faith resides. Each chakra builds on the next, and needs the support of the whole system. By focusing on the Root Chakra first, we build a strong foundation that enables us to be grounded in the approach to the rest of the body.

The energy contained within the physical body is referred to as the energy body. The brain and heart have electricity running through them that creates a magnetic field, this is referred to as the auric field. The subconcious/unconcious mind is directly linked to the auric field. We can make changes to a person's limiting beliefs and patterns. We do this by using tools that rewrite the coding for the software of the unconcious mind. 

What We Mean

We understand the process of growth, change, and transformation. Instead of dreaming up something and putting it into the category of "dreams", we help people discover their true self. We help them to discover what their dream life really is, and give them the tools to help them live it.

Emotional Transfiguration Therapy (ETT, because yeah its a mouthful)

The training that you will receive will exponentially boost your progress towards any goal you have in life. A better you means a better everything. If you have the tools to make changes as you go about your daily life, you will see incredibly, substaintial progress that will continue to compound on itself.

Become One With Nature

This nature retreat will teach you how to better connect with the Earth. We will show you how to use the elements to detox the energetic body, connect with your inner musician, and inner mountain man/gal.

6 Month Road Map

$1,000 a Month

6 Month Road Map, 12 x 90 Minutes, ETT Training, Wilderness Retreat. Includes 2 healing facilitators. Save a total of $6,000.

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1 Year Road Map

$500 a Month

1 Year Road Map, 12 x 90 Minutes, ETT Training, Wilderness Retreat. Includes 2 healing facilitators. Save $6,000.

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1.5 Year Road Map

$300 a Month

1.5 Year Road Map, 18 x 60 Minutes (20 months of payments), ETT Training, Wilderness Retreat. Includes 2 healing facilitators. Save $6,000.

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