


You've got questions, and we've got answers. These are our most frequently asked questions.

What is Emotional Transfiguration Therapy?

It is a tool designed to help eliminate pain and emotion from the body, by properly processing it, retaining the learnings and storing them for later.

How is Emotional Transfiguration Therapy different from other healing modalities?

ETT is different because it considers the whole of the systems. It helps to create change, detox, and removal of blockages in the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies.

What are limiting beliefs and how do I know if I have those?

Our Subconscious mind stores everything that has ever happened to us or around us. Limiting beliefs were created when we were a younger, much different person. We have seen where one SEE (Significant Emotional Event) has been stored in the subconscious and then become a foundation for other memories with similar emotions or energies to build on. After a few more events that are similar or remind us unconsciously about the first SEE, patterns of behavior start to form, and the comfort zone gets smaller. These mechanism that are the limiting beliefs ultimately have a positive intention of keeping you safe in some way. We can identify these behaviors and then go into the coding and change it at that level, so its much easier for someone to have more choice, and not fall into the pattern of path of least resistance. The short answer really is that everyone has had limiting beliefs, even if they didn't realize it (If we didn't have limiting beliefs, we'd all be millionaires). 

What are the benefits of receiving healing sessions from us?

The benefits are far ranging. We have seen people get relief from pain all the way to experiencing total pain elimination. Most people receive the spiritual guidance they have been searching for. Complete personal transformation. People going from anxiety prone all the time, to relaxed and zen. A lot of people experience a physical detox effect and feel significantly better right after the session, and continue to for days.

How can this work change my daily life?

These are the tools of change. They give you the ability to create the life you want for yourself. They can change your daily life in any way you'd care to imagine.

What is a Road Map?

Road Maps are the term we use for our different programs. We find that it's a more accurate way of describing the benefits received from signing up.

Do I have to sign up for a road map (program)? Or can I work with you hourly\session-by-session?

You have many choices available to you. You can sign up for a Road Map, or you can choose to work with us session-by-session. Road Maps help to create clarity around the investment you're making in yourself. They give us a guideline and tell us what final destination you'd like to choose.

What healing modalities do you use?

We have been trained and certified in many. Emotional Transfiguration Therapy Certifiers, Master Reiki Certification, Bio-Field Tuning Certification, NLP Practitioner Certification, Thai Yoga, Meditation Guide, Yoga Teaching Certification, Emotion Code

How does ETT improve my relationships?

ETT helps by changing patterns of behavior in relationship and drastically improves communication and the ability to communicate.

How does ETT eliminate physical pain?

ETT helps to remove energy blockages and allows the physical body to go back into alignment. 

How does ETT help me find joy?

ETT helps remove any blockages in the energy body and allows for the joy to flow from the heart, and into the heart from your experience of the world.

Who will I be working with?

We have 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 options. You can work with either Chadd or Madeline individually or separately.

How long do your Road Maps take to complete?

We have 1,3, and 6 month options. If you need to stretch it over a longer time period, talk to us. There is a reason why the time frames suggested, are the best ones for each Road Map.

Why should I work with you?

We will help you totally transform your life in every way that you imagined, and perhaps some you hadn't! We will help you free your own mind from patterns of behavior you'd prefer to be different. We will show you the path to your most refined version.

Which Road Map provides me the best value?

The Living Your Dream (Partnership) Road Map gives you the most value for the investment you're making in yourself.

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